Sunday, January 01, 2006

Finding my niche

I was going to make a list of the hot guys of 2005, but I just couldn't muster up the inspiration. It seemed too trite, dumb, boring and shallow -- even for me. (Eh, I still may do it, yet.) And let's face it, 2005 sucked ass. Hopefully this new year will be much greater.

I'm at a strange stage of introspection.

The great thing about laughter is that it forces the inner demons away. If someone is having a shitty day, reads what I write, then smiles or laughs, I am happy with that. I will continue to write about my antics.

And yet, there's still something niggling at the back of my brain. Yes, sometimes I'm the biggest dork this side of the planet. Yesterday, I ate two mini York peppermint patties. Afterwards, I was left with two round pieces of small foil. Two round pieces... You can probably see where I'm going with this. I have to say, my Chris thought my new pasties were divine.

But that's all beside the point. I'm not just a clown. I'm not some poetic goddess, I'm not some goth girl caught up in misery all the time, I'm not a monkey, I don't know it all, I'm not totally selfish and arrogant like I portray.

So what the hell am I?

That's the tricky part. It doesn't matter anyway, because I hate labels. I don't want myself confined to some kind of category. I'm everything, but I'm not anything. And the term "housewife" can go straight to hell, along with any other menial label. I hate being called a housewife. I refuse to be defined by what I do or don't do within the confines of my home. That really ISN'T who I am.

That one especially rubs me the wrong way.

How do strong defiant women get their toilets clean? If someone tells me I can't do something, I'll do it out of spite. But seriously, how do you reconcile the two? Because I'm probably one of the most defiant people I know and yet, when cleaning the toilet, I feel defeated. Damn it, the toilet has beaten me. I must clean it again. But I don't want to clean it, because that is the most lowly job on the planet. And to clean it, will mean that I do not value myself as a woman enough to not clean it. But yet, it HAS to be cleaned! Where are the feminists now?! Who has beaten this Catch-22?!

Somehow, some way, I will reconcile being strong and defiant with using Tidy Bowl. I don't know how, but someday, I will.

Maybe it has something to do with humility. Fuck humility. I'm not cleaning it.

Who the hell am I? Not a toilet cleaner, I can tell you that much.

The rest is up to you to decide.


Blogger Abadiebitch said...

Who says cleaning the toilet is the lowest job in the world? Whoever started that, started it for a reason,----to make a person that cleans their toilet feel bad, to keep them in their place, to keep their esteem at a level that is controllable. It is no different than anything else that needs cleaning.

I think the real question is, why are there more female housekeepers than males. Why aren't housekeepers paid more. Why does a woman that stay at home is made to feel like a failure if she hires a housekeeper or someone to come in once or twice a week, ---even if it is under the table. Why do you think they have made it so hard?---So the woman cannot get help, that is why.

And you probably can't think of any hot guys in 2005, because there wasn't any, except my man COLIN FIRTH. And he is hot, because he would hire me a male or any gender housekeeper and not expect me to do it, just because I am the woman watching the children.


Happy New Year!

5:55 PM  
Blogger Tawnya said...

Ari, I have faith in you. You will find a way to do both wonderfully, I might add. You rock! (as you would say) hehe. Tawnya

7:53 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I clean my toilet wearing high heels. Really. It makes me feel important. Yeah, I'm weird like that.

9:49 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

You're Ari, the bringer of joy that on a goddess to goddess level has a permanance I find exhilirating, there is no more to be said, just felt.
Toilets? aw crap man

5:08 AM  
Blogger Charles said...

I hate cleaning the toilet too. Yes there are guys out there that do this. I am one of them. I have to change the toilet seat too. So my question is, why can't you and your husband take turns? I can't picture you as a "Housewife". Are you sure your not a feminist and don't know it? LOL

9:22 AM  
Blogger Chris said...

Please tell me that Chris didn't bite into one of your peppermint patty pasties:)

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6:30 PM  

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