Tuesday, January 24, 2006

So tagged!

First of all, let me say that I crack me up. I guess I can pretty much count on me not growing up for awhile given that I got one of my catch phrases as a secret sentence over at Charles' blog. The thing about it is that I had to think of a sentence and I caught myself saying that phrase, so I emailed it to him, thinking there's no way he'd ever use it. BUT HE DID!!!!!!! And that's why Charles rocks and is getting pimped today. I luffs teh Charles! He put new music on his blog and it's fantastic. I love that kind of stuff. So I just left his blog window open, so I could finish listening to it. Did I mention Charles and I will start our own super villain gang, if the world were ever to change? Yes, I don't know what I'd be, but Doppleganger is the man!

I've been tagged. Before I get to it, though, can you imagine if Cousin It were to ever play tag?

"You're it!"

"I know."

This is the effect of having waaaaaaay too much time on one's hands. Where do I come up with this stuff?

Promise has tagged me for a questionnaire type thingie.

1) What is your middle name? Camile. Pronounced Camille, but they misspelled my birth certificate. Story of my life.
2) What size is your bed? King
3) What are you listening to? Charles blog.
4) What are the last two digits of your phone # ? No comment.
5) What is the last thing you ate? A hot pocket.
6) Last person you hugged? My son
7) How is the weather right now? Cold with a touch of "as hell".
8) Who was the last person you talked to on the phone? My husband
9) What's the first thing you notice about the opposite sex? Eyes. Windows to the soul.
10) Do you have a bf/gf ? I don't have a boyfriend, because I'm married. I don't have a girlfriend, because my Chris might like that too much.
11) --- whoops ---lol Where is number 11? Gone. I killed it with a roundhouse kick.
12) Do you drink? Nope!
13)Have you ever gotten so drunk that you don't remember the entire nite? Can you say Southern Comfort, Jack Daniels and some sort of wine cooler mixer? Yeah, I thought you could.
14)Hair color? Brown
15) Eye color? Green
16) Fav baseball team? Whichever one I'm watching.
17) Fav animal? Unicorn.
18) Favorite season? Spring.
19) Ever cried for no reason? Every month.
20) Last movie you watched? The Island, very good, too. Right up my alley.
21) What book are you reading? I ran out of books to read.
22) Piercings? Two in my left lobe, two in my right and I used to have one in cartilidge of my left ear, but I think that one closed up.
23) Favorite movie? ...tch fine. Flashdance. Shut up.
24) Fav college team? I am going to stay true to myself and say exactly what I said to the billing department of ISU. I hope all colleges and universities go down in a huge fiery ball of flame for charging their students the amount that they charge them. No, I don't have a fucking favorite college team! I hate college!
25) What are you doing right now? I am being pissed over the last question.
26) Pets? Sasha and Angel.
27) Dog or cats? Dogs.
28) Favorite flower? Orchid.
29) Have you ever been caught doing something you weren't supposed to be doing? Daily.
30) Have you ever loved someone? What kind of question is this? "Have you ever fallen asleep? Have you ever eaten chicken?!" Yes, I love many people. Not all at once though, because I just don't have the time.
31) Who would you like to see right now? A naked Wentworth Miller
32) Are you still friends with your ex's? Nope.
33) Have you ever fired a gun? No, but I do have a gunshot hole in my kitchen floor.
34) Do you like to travel by plane? Yes.
35) Right handed or left handed? Right.
36) If you could be with someone right now, who would it be? I already told you. A naked Wentworth Miller. (Bring it, Chris.)
37) How many pillows you sleep with? I am not in the habit of having sex with pillows.
38) Are you missing someone? Yes.
39) Do you have a tattoo? No.
40) Do you watch cartoons on Sat. mornings? No, I watch them in the evening.
41) Are you hiding something from someone? Why do you ask?
42) Do you play an instrument? Learning piano, slowly, very slowly. Oh oh oh I can play the Ari harmonica. And man can SHE sing! All you gotta do is blow. (I crack me up.)

Heather tagged me as well.

Fifteen years ago, I:
  1. Was thirteen.
  2. Was in eighth grade.
  3. Got big boobs.
  4. Discovered that men do leer at girls who are thirteen. *eck*
  5. Was very shy.

Ten years ago, I:

  1. Stopped being shy.
  2. Started college.
  3. Dreamed of being a psychologist.
  4. Wore make-up and did my hair every single day.
  5. Thought I was smarter than everyone else.

Five years ago, I:

  1. Knew I was smarter than everyone else.
  2. Lived in Michigan.
  3. Got baptised.
  4. Moved to Quincy.
  5. Learned that little boys can be very destructive.

Three years ago, I:

  1. Lost a son.
  2. Found out that I really don't know a damn thing.
  3. Figured out who my real friends were.
  4. Realized that life is precious.
  5. Struggled through severe depression.

One year ago, I:

  1. Started a journal.
  2. Found my voice.
  3. Learned to love to write.
  4. Realized that humor helps us through.
  5. Accepted that what will be, will be.

Four months ago, I:

  1. Had my seventh wedding anniversary.
  2. Dedicated a whole month's worth of entries to my Chris.
  3. Lost a Vivi. I'm still bitter. (Losahs Unite!)
  4. Learned just vain and egocentric I really am.
  5. Realized that not everyone can take my humor.

Yesterday, I:

  1. Played Sly Cooper with my son.
  2. Had a blast doing it.
  3. Failed to see why a salad could not be eaten without ranch dressing.
  4. Kissed my Chris.
  5. Heard my mother quote a woman off television by saying something about "I need to reproduce before my eggs rot!"

Today, I:

  1. Realize just how far I've come.
  2. Know that I couldn't have gotten where I am today without all the wonderful people in my life.
  3. Probably won't finish the laundry.
  4. Am writing in this blog.
  5. Love me.

Tomorrow, I:

  1. Will still love me.
  2. Will probably kiss my Chris again.
  3. Will learn something new.
  4. Will forget it by evening.
  5. Will do That's So Wrong. (Shameless plug)
  6. Will dream those little dreams.

I tag Char, Charles, Promise, Heather (Promise and Heather are tagged to do the one they haven't done) and Galen and Tawnya. Oh and Chris, too.


Blogger Lori @ Purple Snapdragons said...

Loved your answers!

11:30 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

bwahahah! Promise tagged me for hers, too, so you can check it out if you haven't already! And girl you need to get a feedblitz, I totally have spaced checking out your journal! Now, I'm all sad because I have missed way too much.

12:03 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

That was awesome! I might do this in my journal.


12:04 PM  
Blogger BlogOmar said...

Effin' VIVI's still to this day irk me, but we losers will stay united.

1:59 PM  
Blogger Galen Brannagh said...

"Cold with a touch of 'as hell'"

You KILL me, Ari! I imagine that there is never a lack of laughter in your house.

6:14 AM  
Blogger Charles said...


Alright I'll do them LOL!
I'll get right on it.

6:55 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Sounds like Learning & Loving you do very well great answers


8:43 PM  
Blogger BosieLadie said...

Love you TAG answers... I like who you are! I too, am glad you started your journal, I love your sense of humor. I don't always comment, but I read you all the time.

8:25 PM  
Blogger Chris said...

so you don't make a HABIT of having sex with pillows......that means you might do it occasionally? You are a twisted person.....welcome to the club!

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8:51 PM  

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