Thursday, February 05, 2009

Reality Love, Pfffft!

I'm over it. These stupid reality love shows... ugh. I was flipping through channels last night and caught a young woman doing the splits. Not a big deal, except that she was trying to show off a trick to grab the attention of the lead (some guy named Ray J, I don't know who he is or care) where she proceeded to then hump the ground while in the splits.

Um, okay. That's where we've found ourselves in this society? Oh yeah, real impressive trick there hon. In about the thirty seconds she'd managed to do that "trick", she'd just managed to debase and degrade herself on national television. Will her next trick be how to love herself? I'd like to see that one. I really would, because she seemed to have no clue and was actually proud of her little exhibition.

It's sick. Disgustingly sick. What I find the most horrifying is that these women go on these shows for some exposure to launch their careers (because let's face it, no one goes on a reality love show to find love. NO ONE.) only to find themselves being used as sex symbols, being toyed with, being exploited. What a career that must be.

What annoys me the most are the men. I love men. I'm not a man-hating woman, I'm not. But I cannot tolerate men that stand by or are a part of the degradation of women. Bret Michaels really really really makes me angry. Sure, there have been plenty of men that have done these shows. I'm not necessarily letting them off the hook, but Bret Michaels friggin' takes the cake. I've watched his show. He stands there, pushing his lips out in between token phrases like "She'd better step it up." Step what up?!

Brett... What do you expect a girl to do? They're already there exploiting themselves for your 'love', which we all know is false, because you aren't there to find love. You're there to try and stay relevant in a society that really couldn't give a shit about you. And for a good reason. Dude, in case you haven't noticed... You're a douche. No amount of bandanas are going to hide that. You can purse your lips as much as you want, you look like a tool while doing it!

I have a new proposal for a show. It's called "Bret's Last Attempt at Fame". And it goes a little something like this: You debase and degrade yourself for all the world to see in various obstacles, (One of which will be to throw all your bandanas away. Show your bald head. Do it.) where people scream "Step it up at you" and you'll win a little respect and the right to keep your johnson. If you fail, you lose the right to keep your penis, but that's okay because it will go up in the hall of fame under a little glass dome so you will always be famous. Or at least, a part of you will be. I think that's a great show. Or maybe I'm just being a little evil today. Either way, it'll never get made.

I'm going to go back to watching the Discovery Channel and the History Channel. I never get disgusted with their programming. I've fallen in love with a new show called "MonsterQuest". Hey, at least Nessie doesn't jump out of the loch and start humping the ground.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

i really hate reality love shows. i don't mind reality tv all that much, but those shows really take the cake of ridiculous and outrageous behavior just to get "famous".


11:07 AM  
Blogger Linda S. Socha said...

I think reality shows are way too much reality for me...I confess I prefer a bit of illusion to go with my reality....

They just kind of make me sad
Stop by Psyche Connections. I an new here and I like your blog and hope to get to share more posts

7:49 PM  
Blogger Chris said...

Calling him a douche is an insult to personal hygiene products everywhere, even the tainted ones imported from China!

That's why I try to stick with Food Network, Discovery, and History channels, too.

4:06 AM  

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