Tuesday, January 20, 2009

For Heather

Normally, when I read others' blogs, I might leave a comment here or there, but generally I don't bring their stuff on my blog. Unless it's a tag game sort of thing. I check in with a few. I admit, I've lost touch with a lot of people that I used to read daily. It does break my heart, that a lot of them have gone private or missing. I've gone missing from time to time, too. But still there are a few that I silently check on.

So I went to Heather's blog. I was so angry at what some sad little pathetic peon of a person wrote to her in email. Livid. I'm not even going to get into that.

What I do want to say is that, you know what? This is what I have come to know...

Dear Heather,

I realize that you and I haven't been the closest bloggers out there, but we have still sort of kept in touch. And from all that I have read, from all that I know of you, you happen to be the sweetest, kindest girl I know. It pains me to see someone trying to hurt you. You don't deserve that. Even in your lowest moments, I still imagined you softly smiling. There will always be assholes trying to get at you. Trust me, I know.

But if you read nothing else, read this: You are not alone. You have great friends, whether they be bloggers or real-life, you have people that will be there for you when you need it. You aren't alone. And the painful experiences you've gone through? Some women out there have been through similar ones as well. They may not be brave enough to let the world see their pain, but you were. You were that brave. Your words may have helped them along and you didn't even know it. So you keep writing whatever your little heart desires, babe. I'll be here, silently checking in now and again. You know if you ever need anything, just email. Always keep smiling.



Anonymous Anonymous said...


I cannot say thank you enough. You've always been one of my favorites, even if you only check in from time to time. I also have to say that I'm GRATEFUL that you've been blogging a bit more, cause that means I get to see your precious face at my blog!

Look for some raw stuff in the next day or two. I'm not letting her get me down, instead, I'm posting some of the hardest stuff.

That's my way of saying "Take That!"

Love you xo

11:49 PM  
Blogger BlogOmar said...

Whoever said that can go f-word themselves sideways. I think this posted last time. If not, they can still go do it.


8:26 PM  
Blogger Charles said...

Bad mouths
and drama queens
don't seem to have any kind of feelings for other people. I'm sorry that someone wrote a negative email to Heather. I may not no her but I have her back :)

You have been good friend to me Ari. Its nice to know that people care.
Thank you very much for your kindness and concern for me. It helped me when I thought the worse.

2:48 PM  

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