Monday, November 06, 2006


I am good. I am damn good. For some strange reason, my charm is paying off. People like me, they really do. If they only knew...

I am doing well, I think. I had one day where I wanted to yell, scream, cry and choke people, but I didn't. (That's what made me so angry. I am quite used to telling people what I think of them. Not being able to is sooooo restricting.)

Perhaps, and this is just a maybe thing, I have allowed myself too much freedom. I am quite used to saying what I think, directing my anger appropriately, confronting. Now I am in a situation where I am basically forced to apologize on something I have absolutely no control over. That's customer service for ya. But I've found I actually LIKE working. Which is weird, because I hate restrictions. I hate rules. I hate being made to follow. Strange, that I should excel at it.

There I go, again. Who wants to hear about work? Boring. Ugh. Let's move on.


One of these days, I shall learn to ride a motorcycle. There's been plenty of opportunities, but I've shunned each one. To tell you the truth, I quite like riding on the back of his. I can only ride him for so long, before I want some of that control. I like control. There's nothing like the feel of powering your own destiny. Which is why I need to learn to ride, so that I may control that big machine of power. Plus, I found another pair of black bitch boots that I am totally intent on buying. You just can't wear black bitch boots to the grocery store, ya know?

I am not afraid of spiders. I like them. Which is why I was surprised at my reaction upon finding a dead one, today. I freaked out. Refused to touch it or get near it, when only a few days before, I had lovingly escorted an alive one outside. I think it was because it was dead. I had the same reaction with a dead bird on our lawn. For three days, I walked in a huge semi-circle around our porch to avoid it. I guess I have some strong issues with death.
When did I become so damn boring? Geesh, it's like the life has been sucked out of me. Not funny, not interesting. I'll chalk this entry up to being half-asleep. That or the fact that complete strangers are sucking my will to live. One or the other.


Blogger Charles said...

I don't handle death well either.

Speaking of "death" I just found out yesterday that the company that owns our store, planning to sell them. Maybe it's time for me to move on. I just feel like my job is gonna go up in smoke.

Customer service is hard sometimes. Honestly I don't apologize if a rude customer comes around and pisses me off.

2:44 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Spiders. My wife is so irrational about them. Even tiny ones will send her over the edge. It is darn inconvenient for me, I can tell you.

9:02 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

i hate spiders.
hate hate hate them.
-cringes at thought of them-
i hope you had a good weekend, darlin' xox ♥

9:44 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Death I don't handle at all well.
Spiders I don't handle at all well.
People, I don't... you know it.

9:53 AM  
Blogger Chris said...

I had no idea you actually couldn't ride a bike. Start small...maybe with a moped?

My parents' neighbors are riders and when she was ready to start on her own, she got some kind of a Yamaha that looked like a small Harley (which is what he rode on).

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3:23 PM  

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