Saturday, October 21, 2006

Dream Interrupted

(I was sitting at a table with Wentworth Miller, Hulk Hogan and Tom Cruise. We were all dining on lobsters and crab legs. They promised me chocolate chip cheesecake for dessert, so who could pass that up?)

"Mom, where's my glasses?"

"Over there."

(Mr. Cruise was being vulgar. I expressed my disdain at his obscenities, which caused Mr. Hogan to rise up to defend my honor.)

"Mom, my Gamecube isn't working."

"I'm sorry to hear that."

(Mr. Cruise refused to back down. After having accepted the challenge, he and Mr. Hogan began to duel. It was intense to say the least. Cruise got some good shots in there, but then Hogan grabbed him by the crotch, picked him up and --- )

"Mom, can I play on your computer?"

"Yes, Kade, yes. Go."

(Crap, I missed it. Hogan slammed Cruise to the ground and I missed it. For some reason, Cruise was making gurgling noises on the marble floor. This was funny to me. I began to wonder if maybe I was a very disturbed person, but then Dr. Phil waltzed in to assure me that I am quite sane. He began laughing at Cruise, as well. Then he and Hogan declare they need to take out the garbage, so they carried Cruise out the door. That left Wentworth and I to finish up the cheesecake. He looked at me and smiled. I batted my eyelashes. He leaned in.)

"Mom, can I play a different game on your computer?"

"Leave me alone! Yes, go!"

(Wentworth had a mystified expression on his face.

"You want me to leave you alone?" he asked.

"No, uh, no not you.. Where were we?"

He put his arms around me. We were close that way. He leaned in for a kiss again.)


I looked up into Wentworth's eyes.

"I have to go."


"He made me eggs. I love his eggs."

"Same time tomorrow?"



Blogger Tigger said...

Can't get a dream in edge wise can you? LOL. Tawnya

9:39 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Wentworth is a patient dude, he'll wait for teh Ari :-D
Daydreams are the bestest

12:54 AM  
Blogger Chris said...

Beeeeeyyutiful, Ari! Great entry and I empathize with you on this one.

In a similar vein, Alexis and I were trying to sneak in some afternoon delight this week and about 60 seconds into it, the front door slams and Trevor yells up the stairs "MOM?". Thank god we can get dressed fast!

My Blog

7:40 AM  
Blogger BosieLadie said...

You are just too funny! I hate it when dreams are interrupted so. Funny.

4:31 PM  

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