Monday, October 16, 2006

Content and Tired

My brain is mush. I learned something, today, though. I'd like to share:

When customers have a right to be angry, they usually aren't. When they have no reason to be angry, they will be.

In order for a roast to be cooked when you get home, it must be placed into the crockpot ahead of time, as opposed to oooooh, let's just say... leaving it in the fridge.

When people ask your age and you reply "29" and then they ask how many kids you have, they're always going to be incredulous when you respond "five". And if you want to top that, tell them you also have five grandkids. It's great.

I like when people smile back.

My dogs love popcorn. I'm too afraid to give them the kernels, so I bite that part off and give them the soft part. I think my dogs are lesbians. I think it's sweet. When they have been apart all day, they act like star-crossed lovers when they finally do see each other. They nuzzle each other's noses with a few kisses. It's so darling... Unless one of them is on your lap when they meet and then it's basically a free-for-all with a few "get off of me!" yelps in there. Those yelps ARE coming from me, you know. I typed that last sentence for the perverted people that would take that the wrong way. Friggin' pervs.

Kade is still suspicious that there are secret laboratories out there that are making biological weapons (monsters) that will hunt him. I finally had to tell him he was vaccinated against that. He was pretty satisfied with that answer. He is no longer allowed to watch zombie movies.

Chris is a sweetheart, but then again, I already knew that. That's MY Chris, you know. Although, the other Chris is probably a sweetheart, too. Probably.

Standing all day does nothing to my feet, but man does my butt hurt.

Just thought I'd share.


Blogger Chelle said...

Pissy customers can kiss my toe jam. ::sweet smile:: Just say that under yer breath and smile at the same time. It is what helps keep me somewhat sane while I wish many different torchures on disgruntled customers. (I am sure I have many typos, oh well)

4:16 PM  
Blogger Tigger said...

Well, to be fair, you didn't know that the pot roast fairy wasn't on duty today. Poor Kade. I don't even watch zombie movies!!! I have strange enough dreams with regular stuff. Don't ask!!! Yes, the anger thing is the price you pay for working with the public. And after a while, you will seriously begin to HATE everyone!! I went through it. But it will pass. I know the standing all day sucks... Hope tomorrow/today is better!!!!

11:44 PM  
Blogger Charles said...

Ari, what's your secret. I'd love my butt to hurt instead of my feet. I wish I was working at this store called Aldi's. They get to sit in chairs (lucky bastards).

Don't let Kade see any murderous cyborgs from the future either. I had nightmares when I was a kid from that.

6:49 AM  
Blogger Jod{i} said...

I always wanted to write a book during my waitress years...People dumb it down I do believe when they step out sometimes...

THanks for sharing..sending your butt good thats not right...sending you my thoughts on a speedy ....


12:20 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

A lot of customers have entitlement complex. I just wish they would leave the complex.

2:29 PM  
Blogger Chris said...

Yeah, but what is more scary, the monsters or the mercury that was in the monster vaccine? ha!

I love your bit about customers' right to be pissed generally being inversely proportional to their actual pissiness.

Me? Sweetheart? hell no. I'm a butthead:)

My Blog

3:46 PM  
Blogger BosieLadie said...

Exhausting! Sorry the customers are cranky. Kade, poor Kade, hope he's not having nightmares. Sorry about your butt-ache.

6:54 PM  
Blogger BosieLadie said...

p.s. Our Yorkies love popcorn too! My guy thinks it's fun to give them some once in a while.

6:58 PM  

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