Sunday, October 22, 2006

Running On Fumes

We went to the Vets Home today to visit the vets. Kade was in usual form, greeting everyone he passed, introducing himself to everyone. The sad part is that unfortunately, we are never able to visit them ALL in one go. The good part is that if you sit with them long enough, they'll tell you stories. Man, those guys are funny as hell.

I am absolutely exhausted. I don't really know what's wrong with me, but I can't seem to get any energy. Having to be cheery at work sure does take it out of ya. I'm not used to having a sunny disposition for eight hours straight. I feel off. I hope I'm not getting sick. I can't deal with that right now. However, I did come home yesterday to find my house spotless. I love my boys.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

The paid sunny disposition: it makes us feel like sell-outs and personality whores, doesn't it? lol

2:45 PM  
Blogger BosieLadie said...

It's great for kids to visit the old folks... the stories are always great. It's good for kids to see life is not all about PS2.

Funny, my guy was on the phone with me the other day at work and overheard me with a co-worker, and about gagged! He said I was so sweet, too sweet... to whoever the co-worker was that came into my office. I had to remind him, that I'm only grumpy at home! lol

8:41 PM  

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