Wednesday, November 01, 2006


Nine years ago on Halloween, I went out on a date with a really nice, good, decent guy. He was nice and sweet, a subsitute teacher. We went to dinner, then to a concert, which I did enjoy. In fact, I had such a nice time, that when I found out my aunt had set me up for a blind date the very next night, I thought to myself, "Yeah, well, I'll do it, but I don't really care how that date goes."

The very next night, I went out on a date with a good, decent guy that also happened to be a badass. This surprised me, so I did the only thing I could possibly do and married him. Nine years later, he and I are still together.

I'm really sorry to Substitute Teacher. You are a wonderful guy. And I'm sure somewhere out there, some woman found herself a wonderful match. He just wasn't my match. I am very happy with the choice I made.

Last night, I rushed home for work to get changed for our Anniversary dinner. It's always a rush on that day, given that it's Halloween. Unfortunately, I had to work during our traditional Halloween church function, so I had told Kade that we'd try to fit trick-or-treating in. Real trick-or-treating -- not the kind at church.

(Dear Charles,
NOW, my feet hurt.)
My feet were killing me. It's the kind of hurt where it feels like spikes are being driven through your heels. I bought those damn gel inserts, but they only help so much. I barely made it through dinner. It was really good, too. Garlic steak with shrimp. I ate the entire plate and I never do that when we eat out. Anyway, by the time we finished our meal, I was slumped over the table, trying my hardest to keep my eyes open.
My Chris consoled Kade, telling him there'd be no way for us to make it through trick-or-treating, he being just as tired as I. I felt like such a horrible mother. My dear Baby Kade, I will make it up to you. We came home, I helped Kade with his homework, then I sat down on the couch next to my badass. That was the end of me. I woke up at seven this morning. My alarm clock was a kiss on the cheek from my little boy.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Happy Anniversary!
We had just the one trick or treater this year, so treats were given in excess!
Those poor poor thing.
Garlic steak and shrimp.... man I am hungry again.

1:29 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Happy Anniversary! Too bad about the trick-or-treating. Maybe you can think of a Kade-only holiday that gives him some toys and candy just for him.

3:07 PM  
Blogger Tigger said...

Happy anniversary to you and your bad ass!!!! Poor Kade. I had to work Halloween as well. But I was putting Christmas stuff up....LOL... I know what you mean about the feet hurting thing. I have that as well....Ick. Tawnya

2:09 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Happy Anniversary! I know what you mean about the feet hurting thing. It sounds like all in all, though, you had a great night!
xox ♥

11:19 AM  
Blogger Charles said...

Hey Ari,

I noticed that whenever my feet start to feel how you described yours, it's because the heels on my sneakers were worn out. Check yours out to see if you need a new pair. That reminds me.

Are you going to buy Kade a ton of candy. Usually grocery stores bring the prices of the Halloween candy down at a really, really great price.

I'm feeling better now. The pain is gone for the most part. I think I may have had Kidney stones. By the end the pain move towards my side and my back.

7:22 AM  

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