Thursday, August 24, 2006

My Garbage Disposal

If given the choice between chocolate or fruit, my son would choose fruit almost every time. He begs me to make salads for dinner. He's quite the healthy kid when it comes to choosing foods. Sometimes, though, he goes on these binges. I can't even describe them. It's like he can't enough to eat. One day, he'll be all fruits and veggies and the next day, he's eating an entire family-sized bag of tortilla chips. I don't LET him eat the whole bag. I just didn't catch him doing it, until after he had scarfed it down. Now this is in addition to the normal meals he eats.

The other night, I made porkchops. They were huuuuuge ones. Four of them. Chris ate one, I ate one, and I gave Kade one. So there should have been one left over, but when I went into the kitchen to clean up, I found the fourth one missing.

"I totally ate it," Kade grinned.

The strange thing is that he does this all the time and he hasn't gained any weight for a year. It's like he's stuck at forty-nine pounds. He can't even make it to a solid fifty pounds, yet he out-eats me daily. I know he's really active, I just can't imagine how he manages to burn off all those calories. And you know what? It kind of pisses me off that he can eat an entire bag of tortilla chips in one sitting because, hey, I like chips and salsa too! I'd like to be able to enjoy some!

Lately, he's been trying to be more independent. Wants to draw his own bath, to make his own lunches. And that's fine. I don't mind giving him the freedom to make his own turkey sandwich. But he's going to have to learn that this doesn't mean you get a sandwich and a whole bag of chips, too. Portion control, people.

Sometimes, I worry. There are days when I can't get him to eat anything. Then there are the binging days. Does this mean he has an eating disorder? How the hell did that come about? Should I talk to the doctor? He's not gaining or losing weight or anything. I like giving him freedom and independence, but I might have to start laying down some ground rules. But then again, that scares me too. What if by making rules about food, I will plant some seeds that will lead to an eating disorder?

It just scares the hell out of me, because his best friend weighs 160 pounds. The kid looks like he belongs in eighth grade. He's only eight years old. He's a sweetheart, the doctors can't figure out why he weighs so much. Yes, I know, lots of food goes in and all that, but honestly, Kade can out-eat this kid. That's what scares me. I don't want health problems to develop.


Blogger Galen Brannagh said...

Be thankful that he DOES eat, Ari! My two new stepsons don't eat much of anything at all, especially anything healthy. It is a real battle here at mealtimes. I couldn't get them to eat fruit or anything green if I offered them MONEY!

Kade sounds like my own Tater. Tater eats enough to feed the 3rd Armored Division, yet he doesn't gain an ounce... or at least he hasn't in a while. Sometimes they just grow in spurts.

5:32 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I don't think I would worry about it. Kids have a lot of weird things going on in their bodies as they grow. I have heard a zillion different stories about kids eating, not eating, gaining weight, staying the same. The body is just trying to find its way by limiting food sometimes and causing cravings other times.

However, I am no doctor. If it puts your mind at ease, just ask the doctor about it.

8:55 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I think its natural to be honest, I used to trough down like a bandit, and I am still (a bit) slim. If he is active then he'll burn all that off and he can afford to eat the tortilla chips of this world when the rest of his diet is so awesome for a young man!

11:06 AM  
Blogger Charles said...

Blogger is acting funny again. I agree with Char. I used scarf down tons of little debbie oatmeal creme pies in one day, and not feel like eating the next. I think it's normal.

11:41 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I agree with everyone else, Ari. I think it's normal for him to be eating the way he is. Hell, my brother comes home next week, and my mom has to go to the grocery again, cause he eats us out of house && home when he's here for two weeks (he's 17). If he's active, I think he's just fine :]

1:41 PM  
Blogger Jod{i} said...

UGH! I understand! I have 4 garbage disposals! Otto(jeremy) in particular! Eats and eats....He was sooooooooo thin...Now pushing 11 he had a huge growth spurt all arond and gained 20 pounds!
Don't worry will all work out..

6:46 AM  

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