Tuesday, August 08, 2006

Some days, I am five years old.

About a week ago, I fried my power supply. Nice. It wasn't a crappy one, either. I only had it a year. So naturally, I was pretty pissed. Luckily, we have a room dedicated to old computer parts. Actually, it's Chris' office, but he has tons of spare parts in there. He hooked me up with an old power supply so that I could still have computer access. That all sounds fine and dandy, right? Wrong. I can't really run any of my games. Obviously, this wasn't working out.

So when that Dell magazine came in the mail and I realized that Chris had an account with them from work, I put on the smirky face. Sometimes, things happen for a reason. I browsed through that magazine, my eye catching on duo core. OOohhh. Then I saw a quad core. Ooooooooooh! 150 gig hard drive. 250mb video card, Nvidia at that. 13 in 1 media reader. Dvd/cd burner. 2 gigs or ram. 1k power supply. Designed for the sole purpose of running games. Yeah, sigh with me, people.

I kept that page open for when he came home. He took one look and said, "I am not paying two thousand dollars for a computer!!! No one pays that kind of money for a computer!"

I would. I'd pay ten thousand if I got the one I wanted. But I guess I'm in the minority. Especially when I know he could build one for a thousand. But that's beside the point. I wanted THIS one. He can't build this. So we talked about it. He showed me a different one that I didn't want. Said it was more reasonable. But I didn't want that one.

The next day, I did some research. I found a quad core with a really nice case and all the above specs, but it also came with a liquid cooling system for a thousand. Great bargain, right? I got all excited, because I was saving money and getting a badass system. Unbeknownst to me, husband had already ordered the Dell that I didn't want. Less than a 24 span here, people. So I ask him if he can cancel the order. We went online, but as it turns out, Dell has REALLY great customer service. It was already on its way to our house.

I will be the first to admit that I am not perfect. I know I have faults. I won't even pretend that I am above anyone else, because I know I'm not. So when I found out that I wasn't getting what I wanted... I pouted. I won't make excuses for that. I did. I pouted. I even pondered refusing the shipment and getting a job so I could pay for it on my own. I might have even talked to a few people about a job. See, this is the thing. I always get what I want. The reason I always get what I want, is that I have no problem working for it. I can have all the patience in the world, if I know that at the end, I will get what I want.

But then I started thinking... how bad could this Dell be, anyway? It's still vastly superior to what I have. The Dell came. I accepted it. For the past day and a half, I've been transferring data from one computer to the next. I LOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOVE this computer. It's soooooo fast. And it's still a duo core, so I sort of got what I wanted. And in the end, I think I just might take a job anyway. That way, I can save up money for the next thing I want. (The liquid cooling system.) And not have to do that whole pouting thing. Because let's face it, that's so not attractive and mature.

So it all worked out in the end.

P.S. Happy Birthday, Chuck!!


Blogger Jod{i} said...

Jer, has the liquid cooling dual processor dual hard drive linux with windows running in it...Yes he is a geek...But gotta love em..
He is not a big fan of Dell's their support has gone down the shitter and the puters? Eh...
Better than the other options I say though :)
I am pining for my own again...sharing with the younger kids is driving me insane!
I am glad you are happy! ENJOY ENJOY!!!
New toys ae always fun and just think of the graphics on games!

Wooo Hooo!!!!!

3:15 PM  
Blogger Astaryth said...

Playing with a new computer is always the best... mine is coming up on 3 years old so I'll need to pout soon {G} Ummmm... were did you see the quad for a grand?? LOL.... I can't complain much though cause my 3 year old laptop is a P4 with 1/2 gig of memory, a 60g harddrive, 128mg of dedicated video memory and a 17" screen. But still.......... I want a quad :P Still, I think I'm going to wait till Vista comes out before I seriously start looking.

4:58 PM  
Blogger Charles said...

I sighed with you while I was reading the description of your ideal computer.

Man, I want one of those. Sure my comptuter is faster than the last, but I want something better, faster, better (didn't I say that already).

I have to replace my DVD player on my computer. One of us broke it. So that plays a roll in the "pouting" I am doing on the inside.

In any case, your computer is way better than mines. LOL

10:58 AM  
Blogger BlogOmar said...

Dell, is the bombizzle. But my Toshiba is the devil!!!!

12:17 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Dell I never, new poots abound! I say poots and boots for all

12:34 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

My fiancee has been pining for a new computer for four years. I think she would settle for a printer that would actually work at this point.

12:54 PM  

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