Tuesday, January 10, 2006

Worst Case Scenario

I have a nasty habit. It freaks me out and when I speak about it to others, it freaks them out too. It tortures me, it makes me worry. It's the last thing I think about before I fall asleep. What is my nasty habit? Worst case scenarios.

They run through my head at least once a day. Some days are worse than others, though. It's like I'm mentally trying to prepare for the worst thing that could possibly happen.

"If the house catches on fire, who do I save first?"

Of course, the answer is Kade. That one's easy. My husband knows this and agrees with it. But they get much harder after time.

"If I lose control of my car on a bridge and it plummets into the river, will I be able to get both Kade and myself unstrapped and swim to the surface before we drown?"

That one is a little harder, because I don't know the answer to that one. It's freaky that I think about deathly situations like this. I'm a parent, though, so my main job is to keep that little boy safe. It's kills me to know there may be situations arise that I have little to no control of. I'll tell you one thing though, I'm sick of thinking about these scenarios.

Sometimes, though, they are good. I started thinking about what I would do if something ever happened to my Chris. I then realized, I had no plan, nothing, I had no information at all. So he and I sat down and not only talked about insurance policies and who to call, what to do, we also talked about who would get Kade if something were to happen to both of us. Most people don't like talking about death, I don't either, but sometimes it has to be done. A lot of times, people don't plan for these things to happen. I just have to know that even in death, my son will be cared and provided for. It really does ease the mind to have a plan of action prepared ahead of time. No one wants these things to happen, but we have no control over that. It's better to be prepared.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

dude, totally hear ya, do the very same thing myself, I think its a safety valve thing but yeah, totally relate

12:49 PM  
Blogger Charles said...

Planning ahead is a great idea, you never no what will happen in the future. Whats that saying, "Plan for the worst, but hope for the best".

5:22 PM  
Blogger Tawnya said...

You are being good parents...when kids are in your life it isn't all about you anymore. Tawnya

5:58 PM  

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