Thursday, December 15, 2005

She said what?!

Yesterday, I sent out packages. Today, I'm sending out the cards. I worked hard on those things. Try as I might, I just could not find non-denominational greeting cards. Meh. Oh well. I think what I put inside makes up for it.

I'm trying to be all happy and giddy. Because if I'm not all happy and giddy, then I will be cranky and bitchy. Trust me, there's a big difference between the two ends of the Ari spectrum. I suppose being giddy at this time of the year is annoying, but it could be worse. I could be breathing fire and stomping around Tokyo. Come to think of it, that kind of sounds like fun.

I just don't want to be unhappy right now. I'll have plenty of time for that later.

I've been tagged by Jodi to list the top ten things I've been known to say. Do I even need to make this list? I think half of you could write this one for me. Heh. So I'll put in a few unknowns to spice things up.

  1. Dude ~ If I had to describe my lingo, it's somewhere between Cali surfer and grunged-out stoner. Not that I am either of these, mind you, but it's the easiest explanation.
  2. Man ~ Said at the end of a sentence, i.e. Hey, man!
  3. Goodness gracious bodacious ~ A polite way of saying "Holy shit!"
  4. Holy shit!
  5. Tittays! ~ No, I won't explain it.
  6. Goober ~ A person that is just a ... goober. I really can't explain this one. Either you get it or you don't.
  7. Uber goober ~ Extraordinarily gooberish.
  8. Coo ~ My son had trouble with "L"s for the longest time. In his attempt to say "cool", it would come out "Coo". So I've just adopted it for myself to say.
  9. Glue ~ Codeword for "I gotta go to the bathroom." I don't hear so well. One day, Char and I were talking on the phone when she said she needed to use the loo. I thought she said she needed some glue. So it's our little inside joke. Only, it's not so inside now... hmmm...
  10. You rock/Rock on ~ I don't think I need to explain it. You do rock, ya know.

So there you go, things I say on a daily basis. One of these days, I'll get around to listing the top ten goobers of all time. I'll save that for another day.



Blogger Galen Brannagh said...

"Uber goober" I LOVE it! I am going to have to remember that one.

I, too, have been known to bestow a "you SO totally ROCK, Dude," but that's only because I am a huge fan of "Finding Nemo," and have been known to spout off various Nemo-isms on occasion.

You SO totally rock!

Oh, and I noticed from you comment to my top-100... are you a ham, too?

73 de NX4X :o)

8:25 AM  
Blogger Charles said...

You should hear what I say when I have to go to the bathroom.

You rock Ari, you are so coo!

8:52 AM  
Blogger Kris said...

I used to think that 'Dude' was exclusively California slang, but I've discovered that the word knows no bounds.

Just imagine how often you would use that word if you smoked a boatload of pot during your freshman and sophomore years in college. Not that I would know or anything.

11:08 AM  
Blogger BlogOmar said...

Man, Holy shit, you rock on like a coo dude but not a uber goober, We will alway stick together like glue. Dude...

Usually when I talk about tittays, it's like this...

tuh-tuh-tuh tittays...a la Chappelle.

11:39 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

hehehehe glue, as awesome as the day it first stuck.

9:23 AM  

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