Saturday, March 20, 2010

The Arrival Of Jane

I don't understand Facebook and all that it entails. I have a blog and that is enough for me. If it's important enough to write about, then I will write a full length essay on it. Why? Because I don't feel it's necessary to update people every few seconds, or to see what every single person that is connected to an individual is doing at that moment in time. I just don't get it...

So, I made a Facebook account. I guess I just didn't understand that Facebook is really about YOU and your life, and all those people connected to you. So I made a fake name, more like an avatar or username. And I called her Jane. I didn't realize everyone used their real names. That just seems so dangerous to me. Anonymity is my friend.

Unfortunately, Jane has no friends. Mostly, because no one knows it's me. It doesn't help that I gave her a really fake last name. I tried to use Doe, but Facebook does not allow that. Apologies to any Doppleopagus' out there. That name just sounds so awesome, I had to use it. Yes, my Facebook account name is Jane Doppleopagus. *curtsy* I sent a message to my husband, who does use his real name. I told him I thought he was sexy. All his women friends were aghast that Jane would hit on a married man. He had to delete my comment. He then came upstairs to tell me someone thought he was sexy, but he had no idea who. He was worried, until I asked about Jane. That Jane, I tell ya. You gotta watch her.

Now fast forward a few months. I usually log into a site, but do not log out of it. So, I kinda forgot that I am Jane. I had to send my mother a message. I decided to use Facebook just for the fun of it. She did not invite me as her friend. There is no love for Jane. I ended up having to call her to tell her that my Facebook name is Jane, so that she would accept my friend request. But that totally missed the point, because when I called her, I just went ahead and told her what I needed to tell her. So, really there is no point to Facebook for me.

**Update** I figured out how to change my name. Unfortunately, you have to put in a request to Facebook in order to do that. Wouldn't that just shit the bit if they refused me?


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Poor poor Jane. She will go on being a You always have me in stiches when I read your blog. You are truely one of a kind but I love you anyway.

8:17 AM  
Blogger Charles said...

It would have been so cool if you named it G.I. Jane. LMAO

Hey now you make me want to go and check and see what my name is on my Facebook account. I don't really use it much. Just exists for no apparent reason. I didn't realize that my real name was on here until u did this post. Sucks because its my first and last name.

6:48 PM  
Blogger redsneakz said...

Well, at least I know how to find you when I come up to R-town, Charles :-) Ari, I had a sort of similar experience, except that I use FB mostly for playing games. A friend wanted me to mail him something, and I ask his email address... he reminded me that FB has a mail feature too.


8:19 AM  
Blogger Chris said...

You should have waited for last night's episode of South Park because Scooter McBoogerballs is the most awesome pseudonym ever!

8:34 PM  

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