Tuesday, December 22, 2009

It's Called Social Grace

I do believe invited guests should GRACIOUSLY accept the accomodations the host provides. I do believe invited guests are just that - guests. You are not at a hotel. You do not get to complain to the concierge or in the case, my husband. If you do not like the way the host or hostess runs their home, that does not give you carte blanche to demand or harp over how you think it should be. Perhaps if you should want to act this way, by all means, I will be more than happy to show you the exit and give you directions to the nearest Holiday Inn. It wasn't my idea for you to stay here, anyway.

I have to deal with people like you every day at work. What makes you think I would enjoy it at my home. MY HOME. Not yours. The next time you want to harp over how you think my dog should be groomed, how about you look in the mirror? Because I do not think your hair was shampooed at all in the three days you stayed. The only positive remark I will give will be on behalf of myself for truly learning tolerance and patience. I think I should be given a medal. You wouldn't even begin to know how badly I wanted to erupt. But I did not. But then perhaps I have something you don't, for I never would have behaved the way you did were I a guest in your home.


Blogger Chris said...

Family visiting? ;)

3:13 PM  

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