Tuesday, December 01, 2009

Over It

In the peaks and valleys of life, I could call myself a valley girl right now. I'm low. I know I am fortunate to have what I have. I do count myself lucky, but that still doesn't mean I still can't be low. Why is it that the harder you work, the more the lazier people will get away with? Why is it that when you hold the lazy people accountable, suddenly you are too hard on people and not patient enough?

I know I am not perfect. I know I have things to work on. But I am as damned close to perfection as my workplace will ever see. Not trying to toot my own horn at all. Just tired of being walked on and sacrificing home life for people that just don't give a damn and never will. But it's a recession, so one must be thankful that one even has a job when many others don't. I realize this and if it weren't for my family, I would've already burnt this bridge with a verbal blowtorch and a few spare snarky nukes for good measure.

I hate complacency and apathy. To anyone out there, that just plods through life without a care, making others work harder because of your ineptitude, eff you. Eff you to hell.


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