Friday, May 18, 2007

Ten Things

I got tagged by Jeff, who wrote some great answers to this meme. So I thought I would think long and hard on it. To tell you the truth, it'd be so easy to just rattle off ten things that make me happy daily, but most of those are material. I will say that the iPod is a great friggin' invention, though. Maybe it's because I've been awake for 24 hours, or maybe I'm just in a strange mood, but I'm choosing to be a little more selective about my ten things... er... twelve things. I'm saying twelve, because I favor that number over ten. I've ranked the number system and frankly, twelve is ranked my number one. So here we go, twelve things that make life grand for me:

  1. First and foremost is my son. I know I'm turning into one of those mothers that just goes on and on about their son, but bear with me. I only have one. I'm only ever going to have one, so I tend to cherish the one I have. He's such a doll, I love him so.
  2. My Chris is number two. Okay, I know my answers are becoming predictable here, but he does make my life grand. I am told daily by other people that I am so lucky to have a guy like him. I'm really believing it, too. I AM lucky to have him. That being said, he's still going to sit there and look pretty, while I do all the talking.
  3. My family. I love my family. Especially since I am missing them so much. They are coming next month, which means I'll probably have more Keiara pictures. And my mother, man I don't know what I'd do without her. I don't say that enough, but I should.
  4. Sasha and Angel. Oh Sasha, I wish you could understand all the words I say to you. Then you'd truly know I do love you. And you'd also know how much I wish you'd take a bath. I mean seriously, the garden hose isn't cutting it. And Angel, my dear sweet Angel, I wish you didn't fall in love with everyone that looked your way. I wish you were more devoted to only me. I'm totally jealous.
  5. Four on Sunday. This is codetalk, but basically it's those days where you do nothing more than intimately enjoy each other's company. Lazy Sunday naps are the best.
  6. Success. I like to succeed. I like to know I do a good job and that I've done my best. Sometimes I forget to pat myself on the back. So, good job, me.
  7. Okay this one should have been ranked higher, but I'll blame lack of sleep. Friends. I've always been such a loner, so good friends are very hard for me to come by. They know who they are. They should know I love them, even when I go through long periods of time where I don't talk to anyone.
  8. Health. I hate being sick. I hate being injured. I like it better when I am waited on hand and foot for no reason whatsoever.
  9. Hmmm when you take material things out of the mix, this list gets much harder. Oh I know! *** WARNING: MOVING INTO TRITE TERRITORY *** I like really colorful sunsets. Well not just sunsets, anything in nature really. The other night, I picked Kade up from Cub Scouts. I looked out over the horizon and wow, the sunset was amazing. Bright pinks and oranges lit up the sky. It reminds me of all those times we went fishing out at Sunset Marina with my Grandma. I also stop for stars. I don't know how many times my Chris has caught me still out in the driveway, long after he and Kade have gone in from the car, only to find me trying to figure out constellations. "I think that's Orion, Chris." "I think you need to help bring in the groceries, Ari."
  10. Helping those that need it. No explanation, really. I just like doing it.
  11. Writing. I love it that I can somehow manage to translate all the craziness and chaos in my head into words that have real meaning. For some reason, I write the best when angry. It's a good outlet for me. The words just seem to flow on the paper.
  12. Cuddling. I am a firm believer in the power of touch. It is the single best way to communicate everything you are feeling without any words needing to be said.

And with that, my list is complete. Oh there are more I could add, I'm sure. But these are my top twelve. And really, twelve is a good number, I think.


Blogger Tigger said...

Those are really good ones.... Sorry that I have been away for so long.... Tawnya

11:27 PM  
Blogger Chris said...

I am so glad that you are writing again, because I have missed the stimulation of your thoughts.

Great answers. Feel free to go on and on about Kade, because he is a great kid. We went to Brett's high school graduation yesterday and I made the comment that in just 11 years, we'll be going to Trevor's.....THAT made me appreciate watching him play in the dirt last night!

5:19 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Thanks for playing. Sorry it took me so long to get here, but I took a wrong turn in Albuquerque.

Good list. I did notice that for a loner, a great majority of your reasons for joy are because of others.

11:02 AM  
Blogger Charles said...

The number 10 is just so lame. LOL

Hey family should be first and foremost right??

I don't know you seem to have written this pretty good, and you didn't seem upset or anything.

10:50 AM  

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