Sunday, July 02, 2006

They came like a tornado...

Yes, I really did come off my vacation for a split second to do the badunkadunk entry. Some things are well worth it.

I'm back now after having sent the last of the visitors off today. I forgot to take pictures. This makes me angry, since my tiny visitors were so darn cute. Don't worry though, I have a lot of cute quotations I'd like to share:

Me: These pants ride too low. I hate it when they fall off my butt.
Keiara (age 3): Your butt's falling off? My butt's not falling off! Nana, is your butt falling off?

After refusing to take off his shoes for bed, little Laramie (age 2) was happier than a pig in shit when I handed him a pair of Spongebob slippers. This is what he had to say: Look at my 'Punbobs!! Look at my 'Punbobs!!

Gabby has a very fitting name in that she does have a lot to gab about. Unfortunately, being that she's only a year old and I don't speak gibberish, I am unable to translate. However, she does sing right before bedtime. It goes a little something like this: Ahhhhhhhhh uhhhhhhhh ahhhhhhhhh uhhhhhhhhh... Usually people just chime in at random intervals to sing with her. As it turns out, it's a very easy song to learn.

I don't have any quotes from Alana, because I don't think she said anything the whole time she was here... Wait, I think she might have expressed her appreciation for all things Tinkerbell, but the jury's still out on that one.

Keiara on death: No Daddy, Cognac's not in doggy heaven, he'll be back later. Cognac's mom and dad will fix him. He'll be back LATER!!!!

Keiara on bathroom etiquette: I'm going to shut and lock the door, so no one will bother me while I'm going potty. This means you!

At one point, I managed to get all four of them in the bathtub at once. Keiara and Alana pretended to give me a manicure, while Gabby thought it hilarious to sit on Laramie's head... four times in a row. For some reason, Laramie wasn't the least bit surprised. She then proceeded to tackle him and pummel him mercilessly with her baby fists. Oh, she's a brute, let me tell ya. Next time she's here, I'll have her try out for UFC.

Keiara: I want Strawberry.
Me: I don't have strawberries. I have watermelon, though.
Keiara: Don't be silly, I want Strawberry!!
Me: I don't have strawberries, hon.
Keiara: Ugh, I mean the movie!
Me: A strawberry movie?
Keiara: Strawberry Shortcake!
Me: Ohhhhhhhh
Keiara: I just can't talk to you.

Gabby has a strange habit of putting things on her head and walking around like that. I'm talking things that don't belong on one's head -- like pants. Why she does this is beyond me. In the bathtub, she tried to put a little fish toy on her head. It makes no sense to me, but after they left, I found that fish toy swimming in my toilet. I almost left it there for posterity's sake. No one really uses that toilet anyway.


Blogger Charles said...

kids will be kids.

I have a cousin that used to run around in circles for seemingly no reason, and then go get a cup of milk. After he was done drinking it, he'd run around in circles again.

Maybe they are trying to find ways to use some of there energy. Kids seem to have an unlimited supply.

6:20 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Wooo there little missy! Don't EVEN think of claiming victory with that sorry ass milkshake badunkadunk dealings you dished. No ma'am! I'm a meat and potatoes kinda gal and you need to get up earlier than that to pull one over on moi! You silly rabbit, tricks are for kids, and you're just a squirrel looking for a nut! So bleh...

Plotting and scheming my retaliation...


7:56 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I absolutely LOVE kids quotes! It sounds like you had a great vaca and visit with your company!

I hope someone took some pics and will send them to you! I'd love to see the little ones!

12:48 AM  
Blogger Angelia Rian said...

I'm glad you had such a great vacation...! :) I love kids - my roomates children do (and say) some pretty wild things on occasion too... I think it comes from being around adults who don't treat them as if they were too young to understand anything... We just let them talk and treat everything they say as if it were absolutely profound - and it usually is... ;)

Oh, and by the way - Happy 4th of July...! *grin*

7:31 AM  
Blogger redsneakz said...

Both my kids started saying "actually" at about age 3. It was cute then. Now, it's sort of annoying :-)

5:15 AM  

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