Wednesday, June 21, 2006

Spring Cleaning

"I like my new room," said Kade.

He doesn't have a new room. It's just CLEAN now.

In two days, Chris' family arrives for the reunion. A week after that, my family arrives because I've missed them so much. This means that I've been a cleaning machine for the past two weeks. It's a Spring cleaning sort of thing. Only mine happens every two years... hehe.

The result of my effort is that not only have I deep-cleaned the house, but I've gotten it much more organized, as well. Before we bought this house, I had imagined a place for everything and everything in its place. Unfortunately, clutter has a way of making one say, "Oh hell, I'll just put this here for the time being." There it lay for years at a time. But now, I can marvel that all the towels in the laundry room are folded on the shelves exactly the same way, facing the same way, even color coded. Now I can marvel at the fact that I no longer have to hop through Kade's room, avoiding the pitfalls of Legos and dinosaurs. Now I can marvel at the fact that I have my formal living room back, after having been taken hostage by leather coats and motorcycle helmets lining the sofas. I suspect that most people do not have this problem. For some reason, leather just explodes in my house. One minute, it's a living room and the next, it looks like a display at a Harley shop. And I have to wonder... how is it that there were six or seven helmets in there when there are only three of us living here?!

It has been a fight over that living room. You see, we have a family room, too. That is where we watch tv, etc. The formal living room is nothing more than eye candy. And I like it that way. Unfortunately, Chris just cannot understand having a room with no other function than for guests to sit when they visit. Last Winter, he even tried to sell me on the idea of putting the Metatron in there, because he didn't want it sitting in the shed all Winter. A motorcycle.. in the house.. in a living room, no less! That one didn't fly. We don't have normal arguments in my household. Don't even get me started on the big Holly Hobbit Blanket Debate of 2005.

Nevertheless, my house is shaping up. It's becoming my vision of orderliness. Now, if I could just keep it that way!


Blogger Charles said...

Could you come to Rochester and clean my sister's black hole. I think my yellow bowl is sucked up in there somewhere.

Hope you and your family have a wonderful time and that you are enjoying the summer.

This makes me want to call my Aunt in NC.

7:48 PM  
Blogger Chris said...

I used to keep my road bike and my surfboard in our bedroom in Florida. I told Alexis I wanted to keep the things I ride all in one place, ha ha ha. No I didn't (say that), but it did sound funny.


8:10 AM  

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