I am smelling
Beautiful right now. I have hand-made cards and a painted mat to my name. My son is wonderful, if a little precocious at times, just the way he should be. Apparently, he believes I am great at geography, because I know all the oceans. I won't shatter his perceptions. Instead, I shall revel in all that's good and know that damn it, I have done well.
I am not the orthodox stereotype of a mother. My arguements with my son does not consist of cleaning his room, but instead we argue whose turn it is for the Playstation. I pay him an allowance; he takes me to Dairy Queen. It's a good arrangement. We both promise not to tell my Chris about how much money we spend, but actually, we never fulfill it, because most of the time we are far too excited to hide it from my Chris. I will let my son stay up to watch a scary movie, but only because I don't want to watch it alone. And my son will wake me up early again and again, until I am truly awake, so I won't be late for work.
My son is a gem and I am honored to be his mother. He's done such a great job of raising me.
Happy Mother's Day