Saturday, July 22, 2006

Twilight Thoughts

Quite often, I put myself to the test in my own mind. Worst case scenarios, irrational situations, little tidbits of conversations, they are all reflected upon, even if I don't let it all out for the world to see. The latest in my ever-expanding getting-to-know-myself category, was a question I posed to myself. What would the world be like if I had never been in it? Now, at first glance, one might think this is nothing but an entry designed solely to inflate my own ego. I do so love it inflated. It has a bouncy-like effect on my mood. Honestly, these are the types of things I ponder as I tuck my ass into bed at night. And really, who doesn't like an over-inflated ego before bed?

The truth is that the answer may not be as great as I'd like. I haven't changed the world in any way. So I can't really answer this question on a grand level. Instead, I must look to all those that I have affected, good and bad.

Oh sure, people in my immediate life would know instantly the difference. Still they are but a few, because I am loathe to let too many people in. Even people I've known for quite some time think they know me, but really don't. Yes, I can be a hellcat, but I'm not always that way. I'm not always politically correct, if at all. Sometimes I keep my opinions to myself, because I know they're unpopular. Sometimes I want to say so much, but don't, because I can't get the words out. People can only go on things I have said or done. And that's a scary thought.

Well, I don't know that I've ever said anything truly profound, nothing worth quoting anyway. I may have done a few nice things for people here and there, but I can't say it was anything noteworthy. Perhaps the world would be a little less sassy. I am good for mouthing off. I need to start watching my mouth. It's going to get me in trouble one of these days. I am always good for a joke. And when humor is concerned, I rarely get offended. So there's that. I like it when people smile and on the same token, I can't let a person cry alone. Maybe someone out there will appreciate that. I can't think of who at the top of my head, though.

Now I've come to a point where I really don't know the answer. I think I have found a question that even I can't answer. I could just flake out and say that the world would be a little less "Ari", but in order for that to be true, I'd have to define who Ari is. I don't want to define myself or have others define what they think of me. I think to do such a thing would lead to an inevitable loss of self. Thus I have discovered that I can't change the world. Not on a global scale, anyway. If I did, people would most definitely want to define me then. So if I were to ever want to make a name for myself, I'd have to do it anonymously, which defeats the whole point.

Right before I fell asleep, I came to a conclusion. Perhaps it doesn't matter what the world would be like without me. Perhaps I don't need to be remembered. And maybe, I shouldn't have eaten that donut before bed. Yet, for all the good I've done, there's bad to go right along with it. I think I cancel myself out. In the end, maybe I'll just be a murmur on the wind that only a few can hear.


Blogger Chris said...

Those existential questions can be maddening, can't they. But not everyone's most important contribution is as clearly defined as finding the cure to cancer. Sometimes things we do that we may consider insignificant, are hugely significant into the larger scheme of things.

My Blog

6:27 PM  
Blogger Tawnya said...

I ask those kinds of questions too.... And usually have no answers, but sometimes dream of it as well. Well, that and Nascar Tawnya

8:52 PM  
Blogger Charles said...

So many questions, and not enough of a lifetime. It's funny that it always comes back to a song that Amel Larrieux performed.

"All I do know, is that every year I understand less than the one before."

11:22 PM  
Blogger Jod{i} said...

We never know the impact we have on the bigger picture..never really. Yet we do.
Our actions ripple out, its those little 'things' we do everyday that seem so unimportant to us...yet hold something precious to another.
Who knows Ari..that one little smile to a stranger yesterday or the day before? May have just been at the right moment in that persons life...and you werent even looking.
Do you really want to 'define' yourself?
And if you do/did...then what?
Would the whole existence thus change and some cosmic way? ;)
Maybe. Maybe not. You realllllllllly want to know?


5:16 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Being a murmur on the breeze rocks, I listen to murmurs far more than loud orators, murmurs speak the truth, orators just give me a headache. Besides, some of the greatest things ever thought end up as whispers in the night.

7:15 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'm with Char on this one! I would lean in to hear every word of a murmur in the wind. I would get close enough to inhale the breath of truth and embrace it with my entire body.

An inflated ego is good, too.

8:32 AM  
Blogger BlogOmar said...

"Sometimes I want to say so much, but don't, because I can't get the words out."

You don't say all what's on your mind? That surprises me completely.

You know, the world is better with you in it, just ask the kid.

11:45 AM  

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