Friday, June 12, 2009


After one hard week of inventory at my store, running around like a madwoman, getting testy with coworkers that needed to be tested, I am officially on vacation.

I am so happy not to be at work. I am so thrilled to be in North Carolina again. I got off of work and we left right after to get on the road. It was a long drive with my husband, my son (the neverending mouth) and our two dogs. Sasha is way too big to put in a seat, so we had her all the way in the back. She was fine with this for the first eight hours (we took breaks every two hours, letting the dogs out to do their business, stretch their legs). Suddenly, Sasha decided she didn't want to sit by herself, so she managed to put her front half of her body in the back seats with her butt still in the back. Kade and I began to get upset with her for this, so she hopped all the way over and sat next to Kade, squishing him in the process.

I had to unbelt myself to try and get her to go all the way in the back, but moving a hundred pound dog when she doesn't want to be moved is next to impossible in a confined space. Especially, when she's looking at you like "What? What's the big deal, what'd I do?" Eventually, she took our hint and moved to the back. The whole rustle and bustle of this event upset Angel, who doesn't like attention stolen away from her, so she began a fifteen minute yap. This bothered Kade, who was watching a dvd, which bothered Chris who was trying to drive. And they are all looking at me like, "Do something!" So I did. I went to sleep for ten hours. Go me. I don't know why, but if I just ignore their tantrums, they seem to stop. When I woke up, they were all quiet again.

We're currently relaxing and resting until we start our next leg of this adventure, which will be some camping and beach time. Yes, if you are on vacation with me, you will learn that one must rest up before relaxing. I plan things this way. Actually, my Chris planned it this way, because he knows me. Because when I go on vacation, I really go on VACATION. If it involves walking more than five steps, I'm gonna need to rest first.